Elementary Grace & Courtesy as Practical Life

I created this list of ideas for grace and courtesy whilst thinking about practical life lessons in the elementary classroom.

We foster grace and courtesy in  the classroom (or home) through the division of labour, recognising strengths and potential contributions, communicating, sharing resources and considering the needs of others.

Let's cultivate respect, care and consideration in our children.

Easter Activities


With Easter only a couple of weeks away I thought I would share these activities. These are suitable for stage one and early stage two children.

March Reflections


Over the weekend I spent quite a bit of time going through messages on my blog and socials. A lot were from years ago, but I was surprised by how many recent messages there were as well. There were so many kind words, I found it a little overwhelming. 

As for reinstating my old posts, this is a little bit challenging. Around the time I stopped blogging I was half way through the process of creating a subscribers page. This means there are a lot of dead links in my old posts, and a lot of half finished projects that aren't making much sense to me at the moment. 

As I sort my way through it all I will repost what I can, starting with the most requested posts/topics/items. 

Checking In


It turned out my "temporary situation" was impacted by a global pandemic. 

As for this blog I am undecided how or if to proceed. I still don't have much spare time, so I don't want to make any promises. I would like to update and create resources at my store but I'm unsure about reinstating the blog. 

In the meantime I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Hope to see you in 2024