It's Elementary!

Early Elementary Research

What does research look like in the elementary classroom? It is something that those new to Montessori sometimes struggle with, but Montessori is the original inquiry method...

Question and Answer games (botany & zoology) - these games are early forms of research for

younger children in the elementary classroom.

Zoology Question & Answer Game

Fundamental Needs Charts - this series of charts are essentially graphic organisers as they walk students through the various aspects of the fundamental needs of people. Through this process children are prepared for deeper research.

Fundamental Needs of People Chart

History Charts - these charts are similar to the FNOP charts, scaffolding the students independent research towards a deeper understanding of human history and human cosmic tasks.

History Question Charts

Mind Maps - I often use them for reviewing grammar, and teaching students how to create mind maps for any idea or topic is an invaluable skill.

Puzzle maps, Pin Maps and Research/task cards - the Montessori puzzle maps are so clever in that the little knobs are placed where the country's capital is. The pin maps expand upon this in more detail, highlighting main rivers, mountains as well.

Templates and/or graphic Organisers - as a reference tool rather than a worksheet these can be helpful for students in gaining an understanding of how to layout their work and the level of knowledge expected.

Early introduction to reference books and later other reference sources through Language Arts provides students with a solid foundation in utilising these resources.

Role model, one concept at time. Have examples or templates on hand for students to refer to and be inspired by.

There are other materials in the classroom that we could also classify as research tools. Building these skills across various learning areas - language arts (fiction, non fiction, text types, etc as well as learning to use indices and understanding how reference books work), report writing, data collection (maths/science) is part of the weaving that is the cosmic curriculum.


  1. Where did you get your Zoology Q&A cards? I looked in your store but didn't see them.

    1. I made them during my training, I have had some other requests so I may create a set for purchase in the future.

    2. I would be interested! Also, the link in your zoology roundup of the Animal Story cards no longer works. I really wanted those!

    3. Thanks for letting me know, their whole site seems to be down at the moment so I will monitor what happens there. The ETC one is still available though.
